Everyone is welcome to join and all events cater for the very novice to the more advanced. We look forward to seeing you this season. Non-members are welcome at most of our events too however cannot take advantage of the member perks.
The club hosts a number of events throughout the year including:
There are regular BRC Area 9 competitions where you can represent KVRC:
Benefits to KVRC Membership include:
The membership year runs from 1st January until 31st December. Membership for the following year can be submitted from November. The club pays out approx £20 of this fee to cover the British Riding Clubs affiliation fee and insurance.
Membership fees:
Membership Form: All membership for all British Riding Clubs is now via their sport80 platform. Find the link from sport 80 in your email OR Go to Britishridingclubs.sport80.com
*you will need to log in using your email and password (you will have to reset your password if you can’t remember it)
*once logged in, you will see your membership on the right hand side of the page, next to a tab saying “add new” .
* click on this tab.
* you will then have to search in the list for kennet vale riding club.
* once selected, just follow the steps to complete your membership.
We currently have a large number of members and have a great turn out at events and training sessions, however these can not be conducted without willing volunteers. Each year members will be asked to help out at events as part of their membership. If each member helps out at just one event, we would have enough helpers to keep running these events for the whole year. Without members help we can not continue to run the number of events currently on offer. All helpers are very much appreciated, fed and watered, and in return receive priority on entries for events and training sessions.
The club hosts a number of events throughout the year including:
- Dressage Series and Championship
- Regular Training rallies with a range of Instructors and venues
There are regular BRC Area 9 competitions where you can represent KVRC:
- Dressage ‐ Individual, Pairs, Team, Dressage to Music
- Show Jumping
- Combined Training
- Horse Trials
Benefits to KVRC Membership include:
- Reduced training rate for flat/poles/jumps - members £25, non members £30.
- Regular Newsletter - with free advertising for members
- Member Awards presented at the AGM
The membership year runs from 1st January until 31st December. Membership for the following year can be submitted from November. The club pays out approx £20 of this fee to cover the British Riding Clubs affiliation fee and insurance.
Membership fees:
- Adult Riding Member £32.00
- Junior Riding - Under 17 years on 1st Jan £25.00
- Non-Riding Member £20.00
Membership Form: All membership for all British Riding Clubs is now via their sport80 platform. Find the link from sport 80 in your email OR Go to Britishridingclubs.sport80.com
*you will need to log in using your email and password (you will have to reset your password if you can’t remember it)
*once logged in, you will see your membership on the right hand side of the page, next to a tab saying “add new” .
* click on this tab.
* you will then have to search in the list for kennet vale riding club.
* once selected, just follow the steps to complete your membership.
We currently have a large number of members and have a great turn out at events and training sessions, however these can not be conducted without willing volunteers. Each year members will be asked to help out at events as part of their membership. If each member helps out at just one event, we would have enough helpers to keep running these events for the whole year. Without members help we can not continue to run the number of events currently on offer. All helpers are very much appreciated, fed and watered, and in return receive priority on entries for events and training sessions.